The mission of Public Health Inspection is to identify and assess risks to human health in the environment and use whatever methods which are reasonably practicable in order to control or eliminate these risks in a manner that would have minimal negative impacts on the environment.
- Inspection of premises to identify nuisances and environmental hazards
- Surveillance of solid waste management systems and disease vectors (rodents, mosquitoes, flies, etc)
- Inspection of factories, workshops, farms, schools, health facilities, public buildings, residential homes, day care centres, etc.
- Inspection and registration of food handlers and premises.
- Inspection and registration of personal care facilities such as barber shops, tattoo parlors, massage parlors, etc.
- Inspection of potable water sources and public swimming areas such as pools, rivers and beaches.
- Monitors waste management and disposal systems.
- Processing of building applications and layout plans.
- Enforces public health laws, legislation and by-laws.
- Provides lectures and presentations to communities and schools.
- Recommended CXC CSEC / GCE O’level courses inclusive of Mathematics, English Language and a Science subject.
- Associate Degree in Environmental Health.
- Good communication skills
- Ability to work independently and with minimal supervision
- Knowledgeable in the field of Public Health
- Enquiring with an eye for detail
- Confidential
- Fair, impartial and tolerant of other persons belief and cultures
- Works well
- Honest
- Well disciplined
- Problem-solving skills
- Must be able to integrate religious belief with the requirements of Public Health