Core Functions of the Transport / Ambulance Services:
To provide a national emergency ambulance service to all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. This service is also to improve the quality and effectiveness of emergency ambulance care throughout the country.
Towards this end, the Ministry of Health has contracted the services of Global Medical Response of Trinidad and Tobago (GMRTT). The organization is responsible for the provision of emergency ambulance services within Trinidad and Tobago. As the national EMS provider for Trinidad, the GMRTT uses a combination of station-based and roving ambulance deployment strategies to ensure all persons receive safe, reliable and prompt response to their medical emergency.
The GMRTT's Port of Spain headquarters contain the centralised administration, dispatch and operations support units. It utilises Regional Operation Centres in the North, South and East Trinidad and numerous ambulance stations throughout the country to ensure ambulance are poised to respond to a call for help.
Target Group
Anyone in need of transport in a medical emergency
How do I access Ambulatory or Transport Services?
One can reach the national ambulance service by dialing 811 toll-free from any telephone in Trinidad and Tobago in cases of medical emergency.
The number can be accessed from fixed lines and mobile phones. This service is free and it will transport you to the nearest public health institution.