Core Function of the Pharmacy / Drug Inspectorate:
Includes reviewing, approving and registering drugs (antibiotics and narcotics) for the use in the country, ongoing monitoring and surveillance of these drugs, maintenance of drug formulary, monitoring for adverse effects regarding drugs etc. It also provides an optimal level of pharmaceutical care by monitoring and ensuring the proper use of effective, affordable, quality drugs (antibiotics and narcotics), equitable availability and accessibility to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.
Target Group:
Pharmacists attached to both public and private institutions, firms etc. Anywhere antibiotics and narcotics are being sold or distributed.
Contact Information
Drug Inspectorate Division
Ministry of Health
4 - 6 Queen's Park East, Port of Spain, TT
(868) 217-4664 Ext. 13402
External Resources
WHO: The Blue Book– 2nd EDITION
“Marketing Authorization of Pharmaceutical Products with Special Reference to Multisource (Generic) Products”