The Ministry of Health provides immunization services at no charge to residents of Trinidad and Tobago through its Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI).
The mission of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) is to eradicate, eliminate or reduce vaccine preventable diseases to the lowest levels possible through sustained immunization of susceptible persons within a targeted population (which varies depending on type of vaccine). This is an essential component of the Primary Healthcare System.
Since the initiation of the National Immunization Programme, Trinidad and Tobago has:
- Effectively controlled the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases. Trinidad and Tobago has been Polio-free since 1972. The country also received Measles-free certification in 2016, with our last case of Measles being recorded in 1991.
- Successfully coordinated community-based vaccination outreach programmes with aid from the nursing body.
- Continuously executed campaigns to educate citizens on the benefits of vaccination and the importance of keeping their immunization status updated.
Contact Information for the Expanded Programme on Immunization
Ministry of Health
4-6 Queen’s Park East, Port-of-Spain
Telephone: 217- 4667 ext. 12301- 4