Actions related to Chemistry, Food an Drugs is overseen by the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division of the Ministry of Health
The mission of the Chemistry Food and Drugs Division is to:
- Ensure safe quality of an equitable standard for use by consumers of food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices;
- Ensure safety in use, the proper management and acceptable standards for pesticides and toxic chemicals;
- Provide technological and laboratory services in the areas of food, drug, cosmetics, medical devices, pesticides and toxic chemicals.
The Division is the body responsible for the administration of the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Act and Regulations. It is also supported by:
- A Drug Advisory Committee, which is mandated to assist and advise the Minister with respect to:
- Drug Standards; Schedules of Drugs; Conditions of sale of drugs; and
- Cosmetics standards; labeling of Cosmetics, and any other matters connected therewith.
- A Food Advisory Committee to assist and advise the Minister with respect to food standards, labelling and other matters connected with the manufacturing and distribution of food.
- The Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Board.
Notice to Pharmaceutical Importers/Manufacturers
Please note that the Drug Registration Unit (DRU) acts on behalf of the Drug Advisory Committee, under the Second Schedule, Division 3-New Drugs, Chapter 30:01, Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, in accepting applications for the registration of new drugs.
CLICK HERE for the full Notice.
List of Drugs Registered (in accordance with the F&D Act Reg Chap 30:01)
Guidelines for the Importation of Rapid Antigen/Antibody Test Kits
The Ministry of Health (MoH) wishes to inform the population that before the actual importation of any Rapid Antigen/Antibody Test Kits into the country, an application together with supporting documents and a sample of the product, must be submitted to the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division (CFDD) for an assessment and issuance of a “No Objection” letter.
CLICK HERE for more information.
Online Forms
Substandard/Falsified & Adverse Drug Reaction Form
- Application for License of Premises
- Application for Registration of Premises
- Application for Approval for Manufacture of or use of a Toxic Chemical for Manufacture
- Pesticide Registration
- New Drug and Supplemental Forms A B C and D
- Notice to Pharmaceutical Importers/Manufacturers - November 4th, 2022
- Public Notice: Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board Registration of Pesticides
- Detailed Requirements For New Drug Submission
- List of Approved COVID-19 Testing Kits
- List of Pesticide Products for Publication
- Registration of Pesticides
- How to Reduce Pesticides in your Home
- Tips to Protect Children from Pesticide Poisoning
- Precautions for the use of Household Insecticide Products
- Pesticide Precautions and Tips (Farmers)
- Requirements for the Labeling of Retail Packages of Pesticides
- The Pesticides (Import Licensing) Regulations 1987
- Requirements for Registration of a Pesticide in Trinidad and Tobago
- Overview of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Inspectorate
- NOTICE: Businesses related to Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals
- NOTICE: Requirements for Premises Licensed for the Sale of Pesticides in Hazard Classes 1A and 1B
- Paraquat/Gramoxone use and abuse in Trinidad and Tobago
- Pest Control in Trinidad and Tobago
- Pesticide Residues and What you need to know!
- Pesticides, Household Chemicals and You
- Reading the Pesticide Label
- Terms Relating to Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals
- Handout: What is a Pesticide
Contact Information
Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division
4 - 6 Queen's Park East
Port of Spain
Phone: (868) 217-4664 Ext. 13101 - 13135