Mental Health is a state of emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. Many factors such as stress, change and situations outside of our control can affect our mental health. As such, any person, at any age, can experience a mental health problem, that with the right support can be effectively managed. Mental illnesses, however, are diagnosable conditions that significantly affect someone’s ability to think, feel, relate with others and function in their daily life. These illnesses may be occasional or more long lasting such as anxiety disorder, clinical depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago offers a range of free services for the prevention and treatment of mental illnesses to all citizens.
How do I access mental health care?
If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness or you feel you may have a mental health problem that requires treatment, you can access mental health care simply by visiting one of the mental health facilities in your community listed in the "Where can I access mental health care?" section below. Most community mental health facilities provide a “walk-in” service while others may require a referral letter from your GP or primary care doctor. Feel free to contact the facility beforehand using the directory below.
Urgent Care
If a person may be at risk of harming themselves (e.g. suicide attempt) or harming someone else (e.g. erratic, violent or bizarre behavior) they can be taken to the nearest emergency department at a General hospital where they will be assessed and treated. Where necessary, patients may be admitted for further assessment, care and management. In extreme cases where it is not possible to bring someone to the hospital, two psychiatric doctors (one must be employed in the public sector) must certify that the person has a mental illness and requires urgent treatment. An apprehension order will be issued and Mental Health Officers will apprehend the person for admission to a health facility. Please note that patients who are involuntarily admitted are managed at the facility until health care professionals determine that they can safely return to their homes.
What kind of treatment is available?
As an inpatient (someone admitted to a hospital ward for a period of time) or an outpatient (someone accessing treatment while living at home or in the community) treatment can include:
- Medical care (management of pre-existing medical conditions)
- Medication (where appropriate)
- Psychological Interventions (individual psychotherapy, group therapy etc.)
- Social Work Interventions (liaison to social services, family counselling, treatment compliance support etc.)
- Rehabilitative Interventions (occupational therapy, creative arts therapy, memory clinic services, speech and language therapy etc.)
Where can I access mental health care?
Inpatient treatment for extended periods of time is available only at the St. Ann's Hospital. St. Ann's Psychiatric Hospital St. Ann's Road St. Ann's Trinidad Tel. (868) 624-1151 Opening hours: 24 hours For a list of other mental health facility locations, please see the section below.
Where can I find more information?
For more information, please contact the Mental Health Unit at the Ministry of Health or access information on free mental health resources, including suicide prevention resources HERE !
Contact Information
Ministry of Health
4 - 6 Queen's Park East
Port of Spain
Phone: (868) 217-4664 Ext. 12502 - 12510
Opening hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday except public holidays.
FindcareTT National Emergency & Crisis Mental Health Services Directory
Click below to view and download the FindcareTT National Emergency & Crisis Mental Health Services Directory.

CLICK HERE for more Suicide Prevention Information and materials
Trinidad and Tobago Mental Health Care Facility Listing
North West Regional Health Authority
Facility / Service | Area / District Served | Address | Telephone | Days/Hours of Operation | Description of Services |
St Ann's Psychiatric Hospital | National Service | St Ann's Road, St Ann's | 624-1151 to 5 Ext: 3333 / 323-0624-7834 | 24 Hours | Specialised Psychiatric Consultation and assessment, Forensic Services, Psychology, Psychiatric Social Work. |
Barataria Mental Health & Wellness Centre | Laventille/San Juan to St Joseph Bridge | 135 Eastern Main Road, Barataria | 325-8883 (downstairs) 325-9263 (upstairs) | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Community based mental health care, psychiatric outpatient clinic mental health promotion. |
Pembroke Street Mental Health & Wellness Centre | St George West, Port of Spain | 69-75 Pembroke Street, Port of Spain | 623-9084 (same) | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Outpatient Clinic Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month | Community-based mental health care, psychiatric outpatient clinic, counseling services. |
Diego Martin Health and Wellness Centre | Diego Martin | Wendy Fitzwilliam Blvd, Diego Martin | 488-1502 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Community-based mental health care, psychiatric outpatient clinic, counseling services. |
Child Guidance Clinic | NWRHA ERHA NCRHA | 74 Pembroke Street, Port of Spain | 623-2348 624-5257 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Referral and walk in service for children up to 18 years, mental health assessment including challenging behavior and psychological testing. |
North Central Regional Health Authority
Facility / Service | Area / District Served | Address | Telephone | Days/Hours of Operation | Description of Services |
Arima Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic | Arima, Blanchisseuse | Arima Health Facility, Queen Mary Avenue,Arima | 662-4607 | 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month | Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic. |
Chaguanas Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic | Chase Village, Chaguanas, Montrose, Ravine Stable Up to Las Lomas #2 Ankavilla Building, 8 Endeavour Road, Chaguanas | 305-6419 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Outpatient Clinic Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic, Counseling Music and Art Therapy, Home Visits. | |
Arima Rehabilitation Centre | Referrals from St Ann's Psychiatric Hospital | Tumpuna Road, Arima | 643-2350 | 24 Hours | Psychosocial Rehabilitation which aims to educate clients about their illness, teach social and independent living skills and prepare clients for independent living. |
Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment Centre | National Service | Ward 2 Caura Hospital, Royal Road, Caura | 645-1405 662-2211 645-3919 Ward Ext: 3026 Centre Ext: 3024 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Outpatient Clinic Mondays & Wednesdays 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Provides treatment of drug/alcohol dependent patients, gambling and sex addiction. |
Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex Outpatient Clinic | NCRHA | Uriah Butler Highway, Champs Fleurs | (868) 645-3232 Ext: 2196 | Monday & Wednesday 1:00 pm 4:00 pm | Patients Referred from Inpatient Unit and other services within NCRHA and nationally. |
Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex In-Patient Unit | NCRHA | Uriah Butler Highway, Champs Fleurs | (868) 645-3232 Ext: 2196 | 24 hours | Adult psychiatric in patient services. |
CALM Clinic and Liaison Clinic | Curepe, St. Joseph 1 & 2 | Mount Hope Women's Hospital, Women's Centre | 397-7016; 489-1168 | Thursdays 8:00 am 4:00 pm | Integrated Primary Care and Psychiatry Adolescent Mental Health Services at CALM Unit. |
Tacarigua Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic | St. George East | Tacarigua Health Centre, El Dorado Road, Tacarigua | 325- 8781 | Thursdays at El dorado rd. | Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic, Home Visits, Counseling |
Eastern Regional Health Authority
Facility / Service | Area / District Served | Address | Telephone | Days/Hours of Operation | Description of Services |
Sangre Grande Enhanced Health Centre Community Mental Health Services | St. Andrew, St. David, Nariva, Mayaro | Ojo Road, Sangre Grande | 226-1102 Ext: 9642 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm , Outpatient Clinic Every Friday except on 5th Fridays & Public Holidays 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Information Desk, Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic, Rehabilitation, Counseling, Home Visits. |
Rio Claro Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic | Rio Claro | Rio Claro Health Centre, Corner De Verteuil & Dougdeen Street, Rio Claro | 644-2236 | Outpatient Clinic Every 2nd Thursday of the month 8:00 am-4:00 pm Depot Clinic/Injections Every 2nd Wednesday of the month 8:00 am 2:00 pm | Psychiatric Outpatient Services, Injections, Counseling. |
South West Regional Health Authority
Facility / Service | Area / District Served | Address | Telephone | Days/Hours of Operation | Description of Services |
Area Hospital, Point Fortin | St. Patrick | Volunteer Road,Point Fortin | 225-4325 Ext: 4168 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Outpatient Clinic 1st & 3rd Thursdays 8:00 am-12:00 pm | Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic, Home Visits, Counseling, Social Work Services. |
Cedros Health Centre | St. Patrick | St. Marie Road,Bonasse | 690-1440 | 3rd Fridays 8:00 am-12:00 pm | Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic, Home Visits, Counseling, Social Work Services. |
Princes Town District Health Facility | Victoria | Circular Road, Princes Town | 225-4325 Option 3 Ext: 3827 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00pm Outpatient Clinic Tuesdays 8:00 am-12:00 pm | Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic, Home Visits, Counseling, Social Work Services. |
Rochard Douglas Health Centre | Victoria | Rochard Douglas Rd. Princes Town | 226-5571 | 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 8:00 am-1:00 pm | Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic, Home Visits, Counselling, Social Work Services. |
Couva District Health Facility | Caroni | Balmain Road,Couva | 636-4033 Option 4 Ext: 3922 | 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 2nd & 4th Tuesdays (New Cases) 8:00 am-12:00 pm | Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic, Home Visits, Counselling, Social Work Services. |
Child Guidance Clinic | Victoria | Chaconia Avenue & Prince Albert Street,Pleasantville | 225-4325 Ext: 4306 | Wednesdays (Follow-ups) Thursdays (New Cases) | The services of the Child Psychiatrist, Psychologists and Psychiatric Social Workers are available to children and adolescents, as well as, their families. |
Couva Extended Care Centre | Couva and Environs | Caroni Grant Street, Couva | 777-0746/225-4325 Ext: 5660/ 5661/5662 | 24 Hours | Occupational Therapy to enable persons in everyday living to perform, modify or adapt their skills and activities in order to live healthier, and more productive lives. |
Point Fortin Extended Care Centre | St. Patrick, Point Fortin and Environs | St. Patrick - West Warden Road, Point Fortin | 648-2126/225-4325 Ext: 5651 | 24 Hours | Occupational Therapy to enable persons in everyday living to perform, modify or adapt their skills and activities in order to live healthier, and more productive lives. |
San Fernando Community Mental Health Centre | Victoria | Paradise Pasture, Independence Avenue, San Fernando | 225-4325 Ext: 3057 / 3371 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Community Mental Health Services including Mental Health promotion and community outreach |
Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic | Victoria | Paradise Pasture, Independence Avenue, San Fernando | 225-4325 Ext: 3057 / 3371 | Wednesdays 8:00 am-12:00 pm | Psychiatric Social work services, conselling, home visits, mental health assessment, medication treatment. |
Substance Abuse | Victoria | Paradise Pasture, Independence Avenue, San Fernando | 225-4325 Ext: 3057 / 3371 | Mondays (Clinic) 8:00 am-12:00 pm Support Group 2nd and 4th Fridays 9:00 am-11:00 am | Provides treatment and therapeutic support of drug/ alcohol dependent patients. |
Memory Clinic | Victoria | Paradise Pasture, Independence Avenue, San Fernando | 225-4325 Ext: 3057 / 3371 | Tuesdays 8:00 am-12:00 pm Support Group 1 st Tuesday of every month | Rehabilitation and Treatment for patients with memory loss and dementia. |
Ward 1 In Patient Unit | Victoria | Ground Floor,Independence Avenue. San Fernando | 225-4325 Ext: 3220/3221/ 3222/ 3224 | 24 Hours | Inpatient care for patients diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. Patients also receive occupational therapy services while warded. |
South Oropouche Health Centre | St. Patrick | Main Road, South Oropouche | 677-7305 | 2nd Fridays 8:00 am-12:00 pm | Home Visits, Counseling Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic, Social Work Services. |
Siparia District Health Facility | St. Patrick | Corner High Street & Grell Street, Siparia | 649-1196 Ext: 4510 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Outpatient Clinic 1st & 3rd Thursdays (New Cases) 2nd & 4th Thursdays (Re-visits) Occupational Therapy Tuesdays 9:00 am | Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic, Home Visits, Counseling, Social Work Services. |
Tobago Regional Health Authority
Facility / Service | Area / District Served | Address | Telephone | Days/Hours of Operation | Description of Services |
Scarborough General Hospital | Tobago | Connector Road, Signal Hill, Tobago | 660-4744 Ext: 3156,3157 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Information Desk. Assessment, Treatment, Counselling & Drug Abuse Intervention |
Psychiatric Assessments & Treatment | Tobago | Connector Road, Signal Hill, Tobago | 660-4744 Ext: 3154/3157 | Wednesdays 8:00 am-1:00 pm | Psychiatric Assessment / Intervention & Treatment with Consultants & Department Doctors. |
Psychotherapy & Counselling | Tobago | Connector Road, Signal Hill, Tobago | 660-4744 Ext: 3154/3157 | Appointments only 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Psychological Testing, Assessment and Therapy/Treatment. |
Occupational Therapy | Tobago | Connector Road, Signal Hill, Tobago | 660-4744 Ext: 3177/3182 | Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:00 pm | Assessments / Evaluations activities in daily living and Interventions in life skills training, cognitive rehab, support employment and social and interpersonal skills training. |
Scarborough General Hospital In-Patient Unit | Tobago | Connector Road, Signal Hill, Tobago | 660-4744 Ext: 3157/3152 /3166 | 24 Hours | Acute psychiatric care. All types of Admissions. |
Scarborough Health Centre-Mental Health Dept. (Main Community psychiatric clinic) | Bacolet and Environs | Sunstone Blvd Bacolet, Tobago | 660-7000 Ext: 4220 4218 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Mental Health Clinic. Assessments, Therapeutic Support for dialysis patients, Group Therapy. |
Psychiatric Treatment and Psychotherapy | Bacolet and Environs | Sunstone Blvd Bacolet, Tobago | 660-7000 Ext: 4220 4218 | Fridays 8:00 am-1:00 pm | Psychiatric Social work services, counselling, home visits, mental health assessment, medication treatment. |
Substance Abuse Clinic | Bacolet and Environs | Sunstone Blvd Bacolet, Tobago | 660-7000 Ext: 4220 4218 | Thursdays 8:00 am-1:00 pm | Psychiatric Social work services, counselling, home visits, mental health assessment, medication treatment |
Memory/ Alzheimer's Clinic | Bacolet and Environs | Sunstone Blvd Bacolet, Tobago | 660-7000 Ext: 4220 4218 | Wednesdays 8:00 am-1:00 pm | Rehabilitation and Treatment for patients with memory loss and dementia. |
Roxborough Health Centre | Roxborough | Windward Road Roxborough,Tobago | 660-2219 | 2nd Mondays of the month 9:00 am-1:00 pm | Mental Health Outpatient ClinicPsychiatric Treatment & Psychotherapy. |
Bethel Health Centre | Bethel | Simon Lawrence St. Bethel, Tobago | 639-8580 | 1st Thursdays of the month 8:00 am-12:00 am | Mental Health Outpatient ClinicPsychiatric Treatment & Psychotherapy. |
Canaan Health Centre | Canaan/Bon Accord | Guy Street, Canaan, Tobago | 639-8829 | 3rd Mondays of the month 1:00 pm-4:00 pm | Mental Health Outpatient ClinicPsychiatric Treatment & Psychotherapy. |
Mason Hall Health Centre | Mason Hall / Moriah, Scarborough | Northside Road, Mason Hall | 635-1622 | 2nd Thursdays of the month 12:30 pm 4:00 pm | Mental Health Outpatient ClinicPsychiatric Treatment & Psychotherapy Schizophrenia: Support group (Social Workers). |
Child and Adolescent Centre | Tobago | Administrative Building Fort Street, Scarborough, Tobago | 660-4744 Ext: 3400 & 3401 | Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm | Assessment & Treatment, Family Intervention Counselling, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy |